Cantus / Discantus

Coco Moya (2023) 
Produced an exhibited at Etopía Art Center (2023-2024)

Coco Moya. Cantus Discantus. Exhibition view. 2023.

“Cantus / Discantus” is an audio and scultpure installation that explores voice and electronics, inspired by popular Pyrenean (France/Spain) polyphony chant.

The title refers to medieval polyphonic singing, where the cantus firmus of the tenor voice did the melody over which the high discantus voice could improvise.

The sculptures are singing and talking, creating an expansive posthuman choir. This forms are imagined together with an IA and build in the fablab using CNC and 3d modelling. The exhibition shows the yeast molds and the porcelain results, as other parts of the process.